付款后,您将收到一封电子邮件 Zeffy 附有捐款资料.

***请注意,在结帐时,您将被询问是否要为zeffy平台做出贡献. 如阁下不希望捐款,可在此选择“其他”.***


你的学费帐单将在 每月15日. 如果我们在本月20日之后收到付款,您的账户将收取25美元的滞纳金. A payment plan fee of $100 will be assessed to every student’s account that still needs to pay their balance to $0.



放弃你的保险 2023年3月31日

The Office of 学生账户 is dedicated to assisting students with their account needs throughout their experience at Saint Augustine’s University. The primary function of the 学生账户 Office is to coordinate and maintain all aspects of the student’s financial account, 包括学费账单, 房间, 董事会, 和费用. 其他职责包括生成账单, 处理付款, 发放退款, 维持支付计划. Our helpful and knowledgeable staff are standing by to assist you and your family with whatever questions or concerns you may have.

如有需要,请联络学生帐户职员: officeofstudentaccounts@norasnowdon.com



南澳大学的所有学生都被分配了一个学生账户来跟踪校园费用. 学费, 住房, 膳食计划, health insurance premium (if applicable) and other miscellaneous fees are posted to the student account. 支付给校园费用的款项在你的学生账户上显示为学分. 如果你获得了经济援助奖,这笔资金将被记入学生账户.

请记住:勤工俭学可能是你的经济援助奖励的一部分, 但这笔钱不会记入学生账户. 勤工俭学是一种有薪水的在校工作. -在所有适当的文书工作完成后,才公布经济援助奖励和贷款, 对应, 每学期完成网上报到.


学生会计办公室的通讯地址是1315 Oakwood avenue. 罗利,北卡罗来纳州27610.




你可以通过电话919推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜办公室的人.516.4127 -电邮: officeofstudentaccounts@norasnowdon.com.


学生账户办公室每周一至周五上午8:30接受预约.m. 到下午4:30.m. 我们的出纳员接受星期一到星期五上午八点半的付款.m. 到下午4:30.m.



分使用无纸化计费系统. 要查看网络账单,学生可以在这里登录学生门户: http://bit.ly/myfalconlanding.

  1. 一旦登录,点击学生财务.
  2. 选择您要查看的学期. (例如:2021年秋季)
  3. 要查看收费,请单击收费. 要查看财政援助,请点击财政援助.
  4. 余额会在页面底部写着"余额".

如果你需要打印一个学期的声明, 请点击所显示的学期旁边的“查看陈述”.


豁免秋季学期保险的截止日期已过. 任何已缴纳健康保险费用的学生将保留健康保险. 浏览福利一览,请点击这里: http://hooryb.norasnowdon.com/gordon-health-center/student-health-insurance/


分使用无纸化计费系统. We may send email reminders periodically throughout the semester to your designated 分 e-mail account. 请定期查看您的账户,了解重要信息.


  • 在线-学生可以通过支票或信用卡/借记卡(Visa)在线支付账单, 万事达卡, 发现, or American Express) by logging in to My Falcon Landing>Student Finance>Make a Payment.
  • 邮寄付款:可邮寄至奥克伍德大道1315号学生会计处. 罗利,北卡罗来纳州27610. 请将支票抬头注明推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜,并附上你的学生证号码. 请把, 在邮寄任何与学生账户有关的付款时,请注明“注意:学生账户”.

什么是FERPA ?它对我有什么影响?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. 这项法律适用于所有接受美国联邦教育资助计划资助的学校.S. 教育部. 请参阅 U.S. 教育部 以获取更详细的信息. Montana State University requires a consent form to release student records that include financial aid, 奖学金和账单/账户信息.

我有事,商务办公室有事. 这是什么意思??

这意味着由于未支付的余额,您的帐户已被搁置. 请查看您的帐户详细信息并提交全额付款或建立付款计划. 有关持有的问题,请联系学生账户.

我没有美国护照.S. 支票或储蓄帐户. 我怎样付款?

电汇可以发送到学生会计办公室. 联系 officeofstudentaccounts@norasnowdon.com 要求分提供银行信息. 请在所有电汇上附上你的学生证和汇款人的姓名.

注意:分不收取收到电汇的费用. 然而, international wires are subject to a fee from an intermediary bank between the sending and the receiving banks. Check with your bank to determine what fees may apply to your wire transfer and adjust the amount of your transfer accordingly.

我不同意在我的学生账户上增加费用. 我该联系谁??

请与收取费用的部门联系. The 学生账户 office posts fees at the request of departments across campus and cannot remove or waive those fees without direction from those departments. 我们只能指引您到相应的办公室,以便您可以询问有关费用.


杂项收费的一些例子是图书馆罚款, 宿舍的伤害, 违规停车罚单, 保健服务费和部门/课程相关费用.


要设置您的分电子邮件,请参阅说明 在这里. 如果您还有其他问题,请使用 支持的票.


我得到了经济援助,并且知道我应该得到退款. 退款什么时候可以发给我?

经济援助在学期的加/退期之后发放. 资金将首先用于您的账户余额和, 如果你获得了超额的经济援助, a credit will appear on your ledger in the amount that is to be refunded (credits will appear as a negative amount). Refunds are issued within 14 days after Saint Augustine’s University has received your funding from the 教育部. 如果您已经建立了直接存款, your refund will be automatically deposited (within 14 days) into the bank account you provided on your direct deposit form. 如果您选择通过纸质支票收到退款, 支票将在资金到达后的14天内寄到您的家庭住址. 请通过“我的猎鹰登陆”监控您的学生帐户以获取最新信息. 对于个别学生来说,这个过程不能加快.


以确定您的退款金额, take the total “disbursed” 金融援助 amount and subtract from the charges for the term in question. 请确认您的账户余额是否准确. Courses added or dropped after the Add/Drop period may not yet be reflected in your account details when financial aid arrives.


如果您想通过直接存入您的银行账户收到退款, 那么你需要通过“我的猎鹰登陆”门户网站提交信息. 如果我们没有为您存档的直接存款表格, 然后将自动签发纸质支票. You may complete a Direct Deposit Authorization form at any time to receive future refunds via direct deposit.


凭单表示您的退款正在处理或已经处理. 在“付款方式”一栏,如果上面写着“支票”,则表示退款将通过支票发放. If it says “e-check” that means your refund will be direct deposited to your bank account within one to three (1 to 3) business days.


学生将被评估与每次增加或减少相关的适当费用. 如果在你的财政援助退款安排之后,你的日程安排发生了变化, 你必须承担任何额外的学费或费用. Carrying an outstanding balance on your account as a result of adding or dropping a course may prevent you from registering for future courses. Refunds for dropped courses are issued based on our published refund policy as explained in the catalog. 请注意,您的注册状态的变化可能会导致您的经济援助的变化. 请查看目录了解更多信息.


这可能导致在退款发放后经济援助被调整. 如果您的退款处理错误, 学生有责任立即退还学费. 如果不这样做,可能会导致帐户被保留.

我这学期的退款似乎比上学期少. 为什么会这样??

如果这是你的第二学期, 你很可能在第一学期就已经把学费押金打到你的账户上了. 另外, 这学期你可能会比以前注册更多的课程, 经历过学杂费的上涨吗, 或者本学期获得较少的经济资助. 请在我的猎鹰登陆上查看您的帐户详细信息. 如果您有其他问题,请联系学生账户办公室.

我有一个关于我的学生账户的问题. 我可以联系谁??

学生账户在这里帮助您了解您的学生账户, 财务需求, 和义务. 学生账户办公室周一至周五上午8:30开放.m. 到下午4:30.m. 学生账户可以通过电子邮件联系到 officeofstudentaccounts@norasnowdon.com 或拨打电话919.516.4127.


The 学生账户 office offers direct deposit as a more convenient means of providing refunds to students. No more taking the chance that your paper check may be sent to an old address or get lost in the mail. 直接存款比纸质支票更安全、更快捷. Once the student is enrolled in direct deposit the refund will be electronically transferred into the student’s bank account instead of mailing a check. 学生可以使用他们的支票或储蓄账户来获得退款. 支票账户或储蓄账户必须是美国境内的银行账户.

当学校欠学生钱时,就会退款给学生. 由于经济援助(奖学金、助学金、贷款等),可以退款.)被应用到学生的账户,覆盖的范围超过了所收取的费用, 系学分, 或者是多付. 通过直接存款退款将在周五处理. Refunds via paper check will be issued once each week and mailed to your mailing address indicated in My Falcon Landing. 选择纸质支票而不是直接存款可能会延迟收到退款.

登记或更新直接存款, login to My Falcon Landing and select Financial Information>Banking Information.

  • The deposit of financial aid funds will be credited to your bank account as soon as 3 business days after the refund is processed on your student account.
  • 在开任何支票或试图提取存款之前, 您应与您的金融机构联系,以确认您的退款已存入.
  • 如果你收到了你无权领取的钱,你有责任偿还.
  • 如果您采取任何行动导致您的金融机构不接受转账, Montana State University assumes no responsibility for processing a replacement refund until the funds are returned.
  • A DIRECT DEPOSIT NOTIFICATION will be sent to the email you indicated on your Direct Deposit enrollment.
  • 直接存款只适用于学生退款. Proceeds from Parent PLUS loans are issued by check to the borrower unless the parent requests funds be issued to the student.
  • 资金必须存入美国境内的银行账户,支票账户或储蓄账户.


*如果您通过大学工资单或应付账款直接存款, 你仍然需要注册直接存款以获得学生退款.



资金会在3个工作日内存入您的银行账户, 消除了邮寄地址问题, 无需等待大学通过印刷流程, 信封的折叠和填料, 不用等待邮寄服务来送你的支票, 不用在银行排队存入或兑现支票.


The funds will be sent electronically through the banking system in the same manner as direct deposit payroll. 电子资金转帐(EFT)安全,及时,方便-不再丢失邮件.


如果您在没有提供新的授权的情况下关闭了您的银行账户, 转账将被您的银行拒绝,并将延迟您的退款. 如果你输入了错误的银行账号,直接存款也会被拒绝.



我可否指定多于一个户口作直接存款? 钱能打到我父母的账号上吗?

所有的资金必须存入一个支票或储蓄账户, 你可以指定任何支票账户或储蓄账户. Excess funds from Parent PLUS loans will be issued by check to the borrower unless the parent requests funds be issued to the student.


Direct deposit transactions typically take 3-4 business days after the 学生账户 Office processes your refund. It is important that you contact your financial institution to verify the deposit prior to writing any checks or attempting to withdraw the funds.


A direct deposit notification will be sent to the email you indicated on your Direct Deposit enrollment.

请注意: It is your responsibility to verify with your financial institution that the funds have been received prior to writing any checks or attempting to withdraw funds from your account.

我这学期报名了直接存款. 下学期我还要再报名吗?

No, 只要你在上学,直接存款就有效, 或者你停用你的直接存款.


Login to My Falcon Landing >> select Financial Information >> select Banking Information

进入“银行信息”后,点击“添加银行账户”. 您必须确认您当前的银行信息. 一旦确认,切换“激活”按钮,这将取消激活银行信息. 如果您停用您的帐户,并有资格获得任何进一步的退款, 退款将通过纸质支票发送到您在“我的猎鹰登陆”中的邮寄地址.


直接存款退款在每周五处理. Paper check refunds will be issued once each week and mailed to your mailing address indicated in My Falcon Landing.

How do I change my direct deposit bank account information if I have changed banks or account numbers?

Login to My Falcon Landing>> select Financial Info >> select the Banking Information

在“银行信息”中,在适当的字段中输入帐户和路由号码. 完成后单击确认.